
Exhibition design

worksite rome

worksite rome

    The idea of the exhibition, entitled  “looking for a normal city ” is focused on the theme of travel through Italy to discover the public initiative neighbourhoods  of the last 50 years. The exhibition is based on the idea of a journey through Italy The journey is metaphorically represented by a ramp built..
Museum Prato

Museum Prato

A city museum it’s not only a place where artistic goods are stored and shown but has to be also an experimental lab, a meeting point, an open workshop, a place strictly linked with its territory. The new museum of Prato was conceived not only to be a visiting place but also a living and..
UnethernalCity Venice

UnethernalCity Venice

Rome and its reverse. Originating from the geography of places itself, viral forms emerge from the underground, stimulating the proliferation of “antibodies” capable of attacking the contemporary city’s ailing tissue, its qualitative inhomogeneities, the wounds inflicted to its body, its pockets of decay. “Antibodies” are proliferating cells capable of giving the city what it currently..


E-PICENTRO focuses on the relation between architecture, individuals and society generated by collective traumas caused by destructive and devastating events. It is led by the idea that the rebuilding could not limit itself to the restoration of the functions of the city, but should become an operation of rebuilding the collective and personal identity of..
Exhibition Rome

Exhibition Rome

The concept takes shape from a great empty box, a dark and semitransparent container. In contrast with the rational, cold and geometric nature of the external image the interior develops as an organic, multiform and colorful world made of bubbles of light of different size and light intensity. These bubbles are arranged freely within the..
UnethernalCity Paris

UnethernalCity Paris

Uneternalcity is a project dedicated to the city of Rome. Thirty years after the exhibition “Rome aborted” (1978), twelve Italian and international design firms develop new visions of the city. As it was in 1978, Rome is a city still unable to give shape to the imagination, where the new Master Plan identifies still break,..
Exhibition Rome

Exhibition Rome

The exhibition is under “Asia Urbs” program, in collaboration with Risorse per Roma,  with the funds of the European Programmes, the Asia Urbs project – pilot project for the historic center of Beijing. It is supported by the City of Rome in collaboration with the municipalities of Beijing and Paris. The Asia Urbs project Chn5-08..
acquarium exhibition

acquarium exhibition

We have developed the theme of the “garden” to jump over the enclosure and search for the roots, by now faraway, of the “natural“ element. This represents the meaning that the artifice has always been the garden. Thinking about the nature today necessarily leads to the sad consideration that this is little preserved in our..
Mercati Generali

Mercati Generali

As part of the project for the  redevelopment of the outside spaces of the complex of the former Mercati Generali, the idea of the exhibition concerns a  “double reading” at different levels. The exhibition, under the Charter of the Cultural Heritage of the Urban Project Ostiense-Marconi, the history of markets, surveys of the complexs, methods..