2024: Redevelopment waterfront Messina , Italiy, 1° prize
2024: Reuse of the Santa Chiara to be converted into a library, Termini imerese,  Italy, 1° prize
2024: Redevelopment of the entrance and roof of the museo Egizio, Torino, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Implementation of the Parco Urbano “Bari costa sud”, Bari, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Redevelopment of the seafront of Cagliari, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Restoration and redevelopment of the church of S Teresa d’Avila, Cosenza, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Enhancement of the ancient Kroton, Crotone, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Redevelopment of the archaeological area of Cripta Balbi, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Construction of residential buildings in the renovation of Messina, Italy, 1° prize
2023: Renovation of the buildings of the complex di S. Angelo Magno, Italiy, 1° prize
2022: Concept design del progetto coworking for environmental impact, Italy, 1° prize
2022: Construction of social housing in the city of Taranto, Italy, 1° prize
2022: Restoration and fitting out of Palazzo Bonelli, Barletta, Italy, 1° prize
2022: Redevelopment of the waterfront, Marina di Palma, Italy, 1° prize
2022: Accommodation of the Terminal TPL, Genova, 1° prize
2021: Construction of a kindergarten in Poggino, Viterbo, 1° prize
2021: Project for the development of the port area of Bari, Mola di Bari, Italy, 1° prize
2021: Redevelopment of the headquarters SACE s.p.a, Piazza Poli, Italy, 1° prize
2020: Landscape redevelopment of the area of Torre del diavolo, Bari, Itali, 1° prize
2020: Reconstruction of primary school in Piazza Amendola, S. Marzano, Italy, 1° prize
2020: Parish complex “St. Teresa of the Child Jesus” in Cannavà di Rizziconi, Italy, 1° prize
2020: Redevelopment of the municipal nursery school “S. Gregorio”, Rome, Italy, 1° prize
2020: Redevelopment of the area “Lido dei bagni”, Torri del Benaco, Itali, 1°prize
2019: Redevelopment of the former inn of castelvecchio, stupinigi, Italy, 1° prize
2019: Redevelopment and reuse of the “Fish Market” complex in Porto Torres, Italy, 1° prize
2018: Nursery school, civic center and green area in Grottaperfetta, Rome, Italy, 1° prize
2018: Participative path and technical-economic sustainability studies of the public buildings, Palmanova, Italy, 1° prize
2017: University Campus and facilities in Latin America (Sapienza University), Italy, 1° Prize
2017: Conservative restoration of the ” Convent of St. Benedetto “, Ferrara, Italy, 1° prize
2016: Redevelopment plan for the old city of Taranto, Italy, Finalist
2016: Redevelopment of the “ex Manifattura Tabacchi” in Bari, Italy, finalist
2016: Urbanpromo Urbanistic Prize, 2016: “Infrastructures and public Space quality” , 1° Prize
2015: Renewal of the Auditorium in the headquarter of Confindustria in Rome, Italy, 1° prize
2015: University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, finalist
2013: Sustainable city DaoViet City in Ha Long bay, Vietnam, a finalist in the “World Architecture Festival”
2012: Redevelopment of  the Civic Museum in Prato,  Italy—finalist
2012: Restoration of the Visitation Monastery in the Culture Citadel in Reggio Calabria,  Italy, 2° Prize
2012: University Campus Usi/Supsi in Lugano, Viganello, finalist
2012: Receptive touristic centre in Gallodoro (ME)—finalist
2011: Redevelopment of the Robersart Castle’s park in Wambrechies, France, 2° prize
2011: Shopping malls and residential residences in Gubbio ,  Italy, 2° prize
2011: Redevelopment of the St. Michael- Plate in Neutraubling, Germany, finalist
2011: Redevelopment of the Schiavonea waterfront in Corigliano Calabro,  Italy, 1° prize
2011: Reorganization of a center in Flamingo, Vietnam, 1° Prize
2011: Hotel center in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, finalist
2011: Reuse of the ex Annunziata Church and Contemporary Art Museum, finalist for the new/old
category at the World Architecture Festival, 2011
2010: Expansion of the Barra, Pianura and Soccavo cemeteries in Naples area,  Italy, 1° prize
2010: Expansion of the Frascati cemetery ,  Italy, 1° Prize
2010: Towers for apartments and redevelopment of the Perfect hotel in Ha Dong, Vietnam—finalist
2010: Sport Palace in Lamezia Terme, 3° prize
2010: New tower for Ferrari in Maranello, a finalist project at the World Architecture Festival2010: Urban park in Chioggia (VE)—finalist
2010: Residences and shops in the old town of Forchheim, Germany—finalist
2010: Sustainable social houses in Rome,  Italy—finalist
2009: Sport center in Norimberga, Germany—special mention
2009: Redevelopment of the Vesuvio’s Park railway in Naples,  Italy, 2° Prize
2009: Piedichiusa Park in Lamezia Terme, Italy, 1° prize
2009: Reconditioning of the Oltretorrente quarter, Parma, finalist
2009: Residential skyscraper, Halong City, Vietnam, 1° prize
2009: Urban garden, underground infrastructures in the Matera and Sassari Districts—Special Mention
2008: Redevelopment of the Douro of Oporto, Portugal, 2° Prize
2008: Redevelompment of the Vico Commercio-Vico Lombardi in the Barisano Rock in Matera, 3° Prize
2008: Sustainable houses for public housing in Road Bembo, Rome, 1° prize
2008: Building redevelopment of the Corviale fourth floor, Rome, 1° prize
2008: Redevelopment of the old town of Sammichele in Bari, 1° Prize
2008: Multi-purpose service desk for harbor uses in the San Cataldo dock in Taranto Harbor, 1° prize
2008: Maritime station and multi-purpose buildings in the Vado Ligure harbor (SV)—finalist
2008: Redevelopment of Via Sparano and the public spaces of Borgo Murattiano, Bari, 1° Prize
2007: Architecture, urban planning and functional road axis in Metaponto Lido, Italy, 2°prize
2007: Redevelopment of quarter Vydrica in Bratislava, Slovakia, 1° prize
2006: Redevelopment of the Rapallo waterfront, 2° prize
2006: Los Cristianos harbor in Santa Cruz, Tenerife, 2° prize
2006: Public spaces in Catania: Montessori square (3° prize), Michelangelo square (3° prize), Santo Spirito square (2° prize)
2006: Redevelopment of the Fregene waterfront : the gates to the sea, 2° prize
2006: Connection between Nemi and the lake, 1° Prize
2006: Redevelopment and expansion of the Mazzacurati school Campus in Rome, 1° Prize
2005: “City of Art”, Reggio Calabria, finalist
2005: Citadel School of Locride in Reggio Calabria, 3° Prize
2005: Architectural and urbanistic redevelopment of the monumental area of Naples, 1° prize
2005: Renovation of three spaces for dining in museums Certosa and St. Martino in Naples, finalist
2005: Redevelopment of the square of the triumphal Chariot of the Madonna della Bruna—special mention
2005: Redevelopment of the Cardinal Pacca square’s areas in Benevento—special mention
2005: Restoration and setting up of Ex Caserma Cosenz into Museum of the sea, an artistic museum, a public library, Archive and multi-purpose center in Gaeta (LT): 1° prize
2005: Redevelopment and expansion of the nursery and primary school Grilli in Rome, 1° prize
2005: Environmental restoration: the Port and the City, Marina di Carrara (MS): 1° Prize
2004: Exhibit of the History and Medicine Museum in Padova, finalist
2004: High School Campus in Schio, finalist
2004: Redevelopment of the civic center of San Giovanni Teatino (CH): 2° Prize
2004: Redevelopment of the Old Town of Lanuvio, Rome, 2° Prize
2004: Redevelopment of the Rome waterfront, “Area of natural Interest,”  1° prize
2004: New scholastic complex in Francavilla al Mare (CH): 4° prize
2004: Redevelopment of the old town of Montesarchio (BN): 2° Prize
2003: Architecture Award Luigi Cosenza, special mention
2003: “Living and Elderly”, hospice in Pesaro, 1° prize
2003: Urban redevelopment of the Pyrgi waterfront in Santa Severa, Rome, 2° prize
2003: Redevelopment of the Santa Marinella waterfront, Rome, 3° Prize
2003: Primary school in Marotta di Fano (PU): finalist
2003: Hospice in Nemetschek, special mention
2003: Redevelopment of G. Marconi square and via Valle  in Monte S. Giovanni Campano (FR): 1°Prize
2003: Reuse of the ex-Annunziata Church as a Museum of Contemporary Art, Foligno (PG): 1° Prize
2003: Redevelopment of Fattori school in Rome, 1° Prize
2002: Redevelopment and restoration of the urban sector “covered market hall” in Ortona (CH): 2°prize
2002: Restoration of “Cardinal Cicada Palace” in Atri (TE): finalist
2002: Restoration of the Chamber of Commerce in Frosinone, 4° Prize
2001: Redevelopment of the Cestia Pyramid at the Circus Maximus , Rome—special mention
2001: Restoration of G. Mazzini, C. Battisti squares and Matteotti street in Nettuno (RM) – Special Mention
2001: Art Architecture City Accomodation Augusto Imperatore square; Expositions Palace; Special Mention
2001: Redevelopment of St. Quentin Trappes in Yvelines, France, 2° Prize
2001: Touristic Camping in Collalto Sabino (RI): 1° prize  Architecture Rome
2000: Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome—special mention
2000—Venice Biennale, “Less Aesthetics, More”Ethics”—special mention
2000: Transformation of San Lorenzo in Rome—special mention
1999: European 5 project for a telematic citadel in Savona, 1° prize
1999, Via Caracciolo waterfront, Naples, 1° prize, ex aequo
1999: Tercas Architecture XIII prize in Giulianova (TE)—special mention
1999: Telecom showroom in Rome, 1° prize ex-aequo
1999: European Consultation ’99 FOR ARCHITECTURE in the fiftieth anniversary of the seventh CIAM in Bergamo, 1949: Selected Project
1999: Reuse of the Sporting Club in the municipal offices in Rome, 1° Prize
1998: Area interested by the redevelopment of the fair and the slaughterhouse in Sant’Egidio alla Vibrata (TE): 3° prize
1998: National Prize of Architecture Luigi Cosenza, fifth edition, special mention
1998: Redevelopment of the center of Nulvi in Sassari, 3° Prize
1998: “ARCE ‘98” Award for a residency in Poggio Catino (RI): 1° prize ex-aequo
1998: Historical Villages and Torrente Morla in Bergamo—special mention
1998: Liberty square in Turriaco, Gorizia—special mention
1998: Headquarters of the Congress Center in Eur, Rome—special mention
1997: “Anargiry square” in Salonicco, Greece, 1° prize ex aequo
1997: Project for Villa Clemente in Roseto degli Abruzzi, in Terano (TE)—special mention
1996, European 4, redevelopment of Vydrica quarter in Bratislava, 1° prize
1996: Hundred squares redevelopment, Borgoncini Duca-Parco Piccolomini square, Rome, 1°prize
1996: Restoration of Pontassieve, Florence, special mention
1996: Redevelopment of the touristic harbor in Palau (OT): 4° Prize
1995: Restoration of the AMCM headquarter, Modena, special mention
1995: “Living in the City” (special mention)
1993: European 2, Licing the City—special mention